Friday, February 09, 2007

Do What You Love - World Tour

I've decided to start planning a worldwide trip that will begin January 1, 2010 and last 1 year. I intend on going to as many juggling festivals around the world as is humanly possible.

I did some research and estimated that I could have gone to 47 different juggling festivals in places as far apart as Japan, Australia, Peru, Brazil and the UK in the 2006 calendar year.

What could such a trip cost? I have no clue at the moment. I am vaguely aware of special deals you can arrange with airlines to take you a certain number of miles regardless of the number of flights. Also, I intend on living as meekly as possible. I will do my best to network with jugglers along the route so I can either share hotel space or use free couch space.

In any case, I can afford to pay a great deal since I am making an incredible amount of money teaching English in South Korea.

I've dreamt about doing something like this for nearly 3 years since I began juggling. The way I look at it is this... suppose a doctor tells me tomorrow that I will have just 6 months to live in perfect health. What would I do? The answer to that question for me is at the root of taking this trip.

Quote of The Day

A vital life vitalizes. ~Joseph Campbell



At 7:29 PM, Blogger Dedwarmo said...

Are you going to the 2007 IJA Festival in Winston-Salem, NC? I live in the area and I am considering letting a couple of out-of-town jugglers stay at my apartment.

At 7:46 PM, Blogger Ed Provencher said...

I don't think so at the moment. I'm going to ask for more vacation time instead of a pay raise this year and if I get it, I'll go to the EJC in Greece. If my boss will not let me take the extra vacation at that time, I'd consider going to the IJA. I think it's fantastic that you are helping people out by offering a place to stay.


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