Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Sport Contact Juggling

I finally was able to make a movie out of my video from the Seattle International Juggling Festival Renegade Show. I haven't learned how to put titles and do transition effects yet, so this is just two clips back to back. The first clip is me asking Jason Garfield if he wants to be in my skit, the second is the skit. There were technical difficulties with the music and I realized about half way through that I didn't have that much material for a 5 minute song. The whole point was to get "Sporty" i.e. do 180s, 360s, and backcrosses when the music peaked at the end. Since the music died at about that time, it kind of spoiled my intentions. Anyway, I had fun and Jason didn't beat me up afterwards.

I went on stage after Jason and I asked the emcee to announce that Jason was coming back out for an encore performance of Sport Contact Juggling. What you see is what I did.

Quote of the Day
Without this playing with fantasy no creative work has ever yet come to birth. The debt we owe to the play of the imagination is incalculable. ~C.G. Jung



At 4:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's ok you did not have material for the entire five minutes. Neither has Chriss Bliss. ;-)


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